Blockchain Branding
Viant started as a blockchain experiment building business processes and supply chains on ethereum in partnership with several Fortune 500 companies. After dozens of pilots and successful engagements, the team had an authentic point of view on what transparency should look like for businesses and consumers. It was time to build a brand from the ground up that reflected this new direction.
Treum was born from an exhaustive and collaborative effort that was founded in research and thoughtfully crafted into a brand the entire team felt represented by. Principles were established before anything else was considered. This made the visual language much easier to define.
Transparency & Trust on Ethereum
We treated the rebrand as a problem not an activity. Why does the world need to be more transparent? What does this mean for the world economy? How will this benefit business and humanity?
Extensive research was done in order to understand what the consumer believed transparency meant to them. What were they interested in? What did they value? Furthermore, what did this mean for businesses? Where did their values intersect naturally?